
Metro - World of NIX

Cheers! 5 delicious non-alcoholic cocktails for the holidays

Are you already opening with a Dry January in mind? Maybe you can start doing it during the last holidays of 2022. You'll probably be craving non-alcoholic cocktails when you read these five tips. With or without alcohol: cheers! And have a nice Boxing Day and the last week of the year on the way to New Year's Eve, of course.

For many people, alcohol-free times are already very normal. For shorter, longer or forever. Since the summer of 2021, non-alcoholic drinks enthusiasts can even go to a liquor store without real drinks: it's called World of NIX in Haarlem. Wim Boekema, manager of this business, listed five delicious - he promises - non-alcoholic cocktails for the holidays for Metro.

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